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Tree Sponsorship Project

Replanting for the future!

The Goodhue County Fairgrounds faced a significant loss due to the emerald ash borer infestation, resulting in the removal of 30 trees. This loss not only affected the aesthetics and environment of the fairgrounds but also required a significant undertaking to restore the fairgrounds. In response, a concerted effort to seek sponsorships for tree replacement has been initiated.

This initiative focuses on attracting local businesses and individual donors to contribute to the cause. The sponsorship program is designed to offer various levels of support, allowing contributors to sponsor the planting of new trees. Each sponsored tree is recognized with a plaque or marker, acknowledging the sponsor’s contribution to the revitalization of the fairgrounds.

Fast Facts

  • We cut down 30 trees due to Emeral Ash Borer
  • We are Replacing with 27 trees.
  • Replacement Tree Types:
    – Bur Oak
    – White Oak
    – Autumn Blaze Maple 
    – Sienna Maple
  • We need to raise $7,000.00 to cover the trees costs.

Donations can be given In Memory of or In Honor of

$5,000 + / Grove of trees (2 sided 48” x 24” *This Sign would be along County Road 6) 

$1,000 up to $4,999.00 / Mature tree (2/sided 24” x 24” Sign)

$750 up to $999.00 / Sapling (1/sided 12” x 18” Sign)

$500 up to $749.00 / Seedling (1/sided 6” x 12” Sign)

$100.00 up to $499.00 / Sprout (Shared Group Sign placed on the Fair Ground)

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